This week, DH and I will be talking about whether or not to buy a freezer to keep in our spare room so that way I can really stockpile frozen foods and meats. Right now, we have everything in it's perfect place in the freezer, however, nothing new can go in as there is no room left.
So, what do all of you think I should do? Buy one, or not buy one? Pros and cons?
Randalls Surprise Deals Today 12-13-24
2 months ago
We had this same talk a couple of months ago. We have very little extra space but I found a spot for the freezer. I couldn't be happier with me decision. We got the freezer a couple weeks before the $2 steak coupon came out for Target and my freezer is stuffed full of free to nearly free meat.
We don't have much room either, but we do have a spare room, which needs a nice cleaning/organization. There's a nice spot to put the freezer, so now I'm looking at deals on them. DH says it's up to me since I do all the bills etc. Figures lol
I say buy the freezer. We keep ours in the garage and it's full of meat, cheese, veggies, frozen pizzas and ice cream. Plus, on the occasion that I do bake a few meals ahead of time to cook, that's where they go. We have never not put that freezer to good use.
I'm on the verge of buying it, then the hard part is finding should I get a brandy new one from HD or get a used one. If I'm going to have it IN the house (spare room) I'm opting for a brandy new one....who knows what I'll get from a used one....I'm having nightmares of creepy crawlys coming in with a used one.
Spaghetti, I would get a new one. If you get a brand new one it will be more energy efficient than an older one. I bought mine at walmart. It was the smallest chest freezer we could find. I LOVE it. The only suggestion I would have is not to put it on carpet unless you have something to allow it to breathe under it. It needs air flow, albiet small air flow, or your carpet will get wet and nasty, trust me.....
central: Good point about the carpet....our spare room is hardwood, so that should be good right? I didn't think of checking walmart! going to the website right now :)
I just got one. I got it off of CraigsList - it was new, the people just moved & couldnt take it. I got it for 1/3rd the cost of a brand new one! I had scoured the stores to find the kind I wanted, so looking at CL just helped me get the best deal.
Mine also sits on top of a furniture dolly. Empty those freezers are light, but they get weighted down pretty quickly. Since its on the dolly I can move it away from the wall to sweep things out, and its nice that its up off of the floor.
Sarah, can you buy one for me and ship it to me? LOL
I've been on CL and even older used ones, are going for just about the same price as a brand new one from home depot. I've been scouring for a few weeks, not too much out there, so we'll see...I just can't wait to get one to start 'hounding' meats :)
We are debating on this too. We really do need one so i can hound all those great items but we would have to keep it next door at my parents. Then we would have to figure up how much to pay them bc it would be extra electricity etc. But My parents have had one every since they got married and when we were younger they kept two freezers all the time bc we they buy half of a cow each year.
Think about how long it will last, how much it will save you and use that as a deciding factor since its a large cost all at once.
Debtfree: The one we saw for now was like $179, it's a Magic Chef chest one. That should be good for now. When/if we move into a house, I'd like to get a big stand up one. My parents have one in the basement and two out in the garage. We put some stuff in there (free turkeys). Hmmmmm, maybe one day this weekend I'll cook one of the turkeys.....
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