I just called the shelter to check on Lucky. The nice lady there told me that the vet looked at her yesterday, and he doesn't think it's a hernia after all, that it's a fluid buildup from the spaying. I guess that's good? But hopefully the buildup goes away? She also is going to be on medicine for 5 days that will give her an appetite, so she'll be eating. She said that normally on day 3, the cats turn around and start eating normally. She is still gaining weight so that's good. She also said she pepped up when she saw the vet, but I guess not in a good way, since the lady said 'She did pep up when she saw the vet, probably because she didn't want to see him' LOL. She said to check back on Thursday to see how her progress is going. DH said that even if they said we can take her home today, that we wouldn't because she was out of it yesterday when we saw her. I also didn't want to pick her up during the week because I want to be here with her for a day to see how she reacts to the house. So maybe Friday or Saturday she'll be able to come home finally! As for now, we have my parent's dog, he's going home later today. Such a good dog. He's been sleeping all night and all morning. He's passed out on the living room floor stretched out and snoring....too cute!
Hope all goes well with her. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I'm sorry your kitty is still sick. Fluid buildup is not good and I hope they can make her better. They might have to put a drain in or open her up again and clear up infection (which is what it looks like she has). Good luck to poor baby.
Thanks Bobbi Jo!
Jenny: I kind of figured it wasn't a good thing....I guess that's why she's going on meds to get her appetite in, and I'm assuming other meds for the buildup. Hopefully they don't have to go back under, I don't think she recovered too well from the last time. I keep thinking I didn't do the right thing, but I would have had to have the spaying done anyways, so it could've happened if I didn't turn her in....I just want her to get better so she can come home. She did let DH hold her for awhile, she didn't claw or try to get out of his grip or anything, which is a good thing. Not sure about the huge dandruff flakes all over though...she didn't have them before we took her there.
cats shed more when they stressed (and some get bald spots), and they do get dandruff from stress as well and because she's sick and can't really groom herself too. one she's better and eats normal healthy food this should go away.
Thanks again Jenny! I'm assuming it's dandruff flakes, that's what they look like...and since she's got black fur, it sticks out a whole lot. I do miss her. She's so calm and friendly. I really hope we get to take her home this weekend.
I hope you get to take her home this weekend also.
Thanks Precious! I won't be home much in the afternoon due to my nephew's bday party, so I'll have to make a few trips home to check up on her. Saturday night we'll be home and no plans Sunday, so it'll work out great! Everyone cross your fingers!
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