Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free Suze Orman Will and Trust Kit!

Thanks to MoneySavingMethods for posting this!

I am a HUGE fan of Suze Orman, I don't care how bad she looks in the media right now. I have, and always will be a fan of hers. Yes, she said one thing, then changed her mind....but what woman DOESN'T do that???

Typically, this is $13.95, but use the code People First and it's FREE!

Go here to access the Will and Trust form.

Scroll down and click on the Gift Code button.

Once you do that, there will be a spot to enter the code and access your free kit.

It's time to stop saying "Oh, I'll get to it eventually." Well, the time is NOW, especially that it's FREE!


Chicagolandia said...

Did you catch her segment on Nightline last night? Everyone in the line was denied. Which they needed to be.

Chicagolandia said...

Did you catch her segment on Nightline last night? Everyone in the line was denied. Which was fair.

spaghetti0625 said...

No, I didn't see it....but I'm going to look it up. Denied, as in like when they call to talk to her about buying things, etc?